

What is the key difference between successful people and unsuccessful people?


Think about it, we all have 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and 365 days a year.

It's very, very fair. It si an equal playing field.

So at the end of the day, what determines how successful we become in how we use our time.

Today, I'm going to give you three simple strategies that will help you to manage your time better.

策略一: 固定一段時間檢查社群媒體和電郵
Strategy number one, time block for social media and emails.

Understand this, when you get up in the morning, if the first thing that you do is go and reach for your cellphone, 
and you're checking your messages, you're checking your email, you're checking your PM, you're checking social media.

That first hour every morning, that's your most critical hour.

How you do in the morning dictates how well you do the rest of the day.

If right there you're checking all these messages, and I know, I know what it is like, right?

早上醒來,你就想看看手機,心想: "我昨晚有漏掉甚麼訊息嗎?" "有發生甚麼事嗎?"有什麼動態更新了?" "我的朋友都在幹嘛?"
In the morning, you wanna go reach out for that cellphone, you want to see, "oh, did I miss any messages from last night?"
"What happened?" "What is going on?" "What's my friend up to?"

That first hour of every day, it's very, very precious. You should think about how you can invest that wisely.

For some, maybe you wanna do some light reading in the morning.
For some, maybe you wanna do a little bit of exercise, you wanna work out.

For some, you want to have a very nice breakfast with your family, it is connection time.

For some, maybe it's time for you to set the goals and say, okay, what are some of the things that you want to accomplish that particular day?

What you don't want is to jump into "email mode". I always say your inbox is other people's agenda.
Every single time you check your inbox, there all these things that just demand your attention, that pull you away, that distract you.

You don't wanna check your emails 10 times a day, and you don't wanna check your social media 10, 20 times a day either.


It's very easy to screen suck all day and you're just checking messages repetitively.

And you check it every 10, 20 minutes.......Do you really need to do that?

The metaphor I use all the time is, do you check your mailbox 10, 20 times a day? Then why would you go check your inbox 10, 20 times a day?

One of the things that I do is block out the time for social media and I block out time for email.
That's it. I have a start time, I have an end time.

I don't go check social media 10, 20 times a day because I've got other things to do, I've got more important things I have to accomplish.

So, block it. Block out a time and say, "Okay, I'm gonna do it in the morning, once in the morning." If you want to, "I'm gonna do it once an evening."
In between, you work on important things.

You work on projects, you work on your business, you work on your career, whatever that you are working on.
That's how you stay focused.

You see, time management is actually a myth because you cannot actually manage time.

You cannot make them go faster, you cannot make them go slower, we cannot create more time.
All we could do is actually manage our priorities.


So when someone tells me, "Oh, I don't have time."

他們的意思是: "這件事情對我不重要" "這不是我要優先處理的事",這些才是真相
What they're actually saying is, "This is not that important for me." "It's not my priority."
That's the truth.

So, time management is actually priority management.
And at the end of the day, priority management is actually self-management, how you manage your self and how you manage your energy.

What do you invest your energy in, into something that will contribute to your happiness, to your health, to your wellbeing, to your success, that's the key. 

Strategy number two, know your magic number.

Let's say your financial goal is to make $100,000 a year, six-figure income.
On average, you work 40 hours a week, and we have 52 weeks a year, let's say you take two weeks off.

So, 50 weeks times 40 hours, that's 2,000 hours, take your annual income goal, $100,000, let's divide by 2,000 hours.
You get $50 per hour.

So what it means is this, if your goal is to make $100,000 a year, and your hourly rate needs to be at least, at the minimum, $50 an hour.

Now, here is the key. Look at everything that you do every single day and ask yourself this question,
"Is what I'm doing worth $50 an hour?'

If what you're doing is not worth $50 an hour, then how the hell in the world ever are you gonna get to $100,000 a year?
It's cause and effect.

The number is actually higher than that, because if you and I are honest, you know we're not productive all the time.


So think about that.

This leads to strategy number three, and that is to avoid minimum wage activities.

Every single minute that you have, is an investment.

Money at the end of the day is incredibly simple, money is math.
You invest X, you get Y back. That's an investor mentality.

The problem is when it comes to time, most people have the wasters mentality.
They waste time. 

Or spenders, they just spend time.

中文有句諺語說得很好, "一寸光陰一寸金,寸金難買寸光陰",所以明智的使用自己的時間
There's a Chinese proverb that I like.
"An inch of time is worth an inch of gold." "But you can not buy the inch of time with an inch of gold."
So choose wisely how you want to invest your time.

Because at the end of the day, your life is nothing more than a reflection of how well you invest your time.






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